At Cool Pony Tech, exceptional service is our hallmark. From your first interaction with our seasoned professionals, you'll experience a level of respect and professionalism unmatched in the industry. Our team will be by your side every step of the way, offering expert guidance and support as you select the perfect LED video wall for your needs. And once installed, you can trust us to provide ongoing maintenance and support, ensuring optimal performance at all times. At Cool Pony Tech, we understand that exceptional service is the cornerstone of any successful partnership, and it's a commitment we make to every client. Elevate your LED video wall experience with the exceptional service of Cool Pony Tech.
What's the extra mile? Here's one example. Other companies give their clients, on average, 1% extra spare modules and power supplies. We include a whopping additional 4% on both modules and power supplies. And did you know, all Cool Pony panels are front access for servicing with a one minute or less module swap? Not that you’ll be swapping a lot of Cool Pony modules. Our panels, as well as all our products, are constructed of the highest quality components in the world. We go the extra mile, so you won’t have to.